代表の草場がお届けする社長ブログ「DEAR INFECTION PREVENTIONISTS」より、過去の記事を抜粋して掲載しております。
弔問の列に並ぶことは叶いませんでしたが、哀悼の意を少しでも伝えたく、9月19日付けのFinancial Timesと日本経済新聞の哀悼記事に社名を連ねてもらいました。エリザベス女王のご逝去に際し、謹んで哀悼の意を表します。
Our deepest condolence on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
30 years ago, I encountered British infection control, where it all started, and I have been raised by the UK. It is no exaggeration to say that we are where we are today thanks to the support of our British partners. Not only in my work, but also in 007, cars, and fashion, the UK has had a great influence on me, and I love it.
Of course I have never met Her Majesty the Queen, but every time I have been to UK I have always felt that Her Majesty is loved by her people and that she treats them with dignity and respect.
Although we were unable to stand in line for condolences, we wanted to convey our condolences even a little, so we had our company name listed in the condolence articles in the Financial Times and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on September 19th.